• The Tenuous Purpose

    This Blog is built - not, as some might expect, on a flimsy whim but on a strong and single minded principle.

    That principle concerns Biscuits and their position in the world.

    We are really very keen on biscuits.
    As are many of you out there.
    We think.

    We wish to create an archive of Arrowroot, a backlog of Bourbons and a catalogue of Chocolate Fingers. Anybody can contribute an entry - or dispute somebody else's - provided they are not dull.
    Even Americans who perhaps don't really have the heritage of biscuitry that we are fortunate to have here.

    Or maybe they do and we are unaware of the full glory of the cookie.

    We realise that this whole subject is admirably and concisely dealt with by that excellent and unbeatable website A Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down. Our feeble efforts will be as the kicking of a gadfly in the face of their wisdom and experience but we hope that we may have a small contribution to make.

  • Biscuit Encounters on Twitter

  • The Synod of Biscuitry

    James Alexander-Sinclair of Blackpitts
    Gardener, Blogger, Journalist, Lecturer etc, etc. Much of his life is spent loafing around other people’s gardens issuing directives and generally cluttering up the place. However, like the great Mr Kipling, he does (occasionally) make exceptionally good gardens. (Although even Mr Kipling messed up a bit with the Carrot and Walnut Mini Classics.)

    Mark Diacono of Otter Farm
    He does sterling work growing many inappropriate plants in Devon. He dedicates a great deal of time and effort nurturing a plethora of plants that are (mostly) totally unsuited to our climate. His is a life of such extreme eccentric dedication that to start a Blog about Biscuits seems perfectly normal. He treads gently in the footsteps of people like the great William Buckland,a professor of Geology who claimed that he could tell location by tasting the local topsoil.

Double Dutch

My friend D found the following snippet in a magazine recently:

True or false?

Just looking at cake can help you to lose weight.

True, according to Dutch psychologists who found that women shown photos of a chocolate cake chose healthier oatmeal biscuits afterwards, while those shown photos of flowers preferred chocolate biscuits.

A quick straw poll amongst my friends revealed they thought this research is seriously flawed: they’d take the chocolate cake every time, thank you very much. Mind you, perhaps being out amongst the flowers every day might explain why our esteemed Commissar has a daily packet of Jaffa Cakes.

Thoughts anyone?

Michelle Chapman.plain.

4 Responses

  1. What kind of people are showing pictures of chocolate cake and offering oatmeal cookies anyway? There is no question, chocolate always wins, for me at least. Your thesis that since gardeners are around flowers so much we have been numbed to their subliminal message of *eat healthy!* is sound.

  2. Frances – I’d need deep psychological counselling afterwards if I’d taken part in that research. Imagine! Drooling over chocolate cake and not eating it smacks of mental cruelty to me.

  3. But I LIKE nutty oatmeal biscuits, over a chocolate cake that turns out at first mouthful to be an also ran – icky, too sweet, with too much greasy icing. But if that cake is decadent, it wins first prize. BTW – this blog is founded on the premise that We Like Biscuits.

  4. Does it say what kind of bevrage was served afterwards? If tea then that explains why they opted for oatmeal biccies. Re-read Different Koek again and allwill be revealed.

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